Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

A procedure known as brachioplasty can enhance the appearance of your upper arms. It entails pulling taut sagging skin and supporting tissue. Pounds of fat are also removed by surgeons. It gives your arms a more sculpted appearance than exercise and diet by themselves can.

Who is a Good Candidate for an Arm Lift?

Good candidates for this procedure would be healthy, non-smoking patients with isolated loose skin on the inside and back of the arms.

Some Brachioplasty patients seek this body-contouring procedure in order to tighten the loose skin that develops as a result of aging naturally. Most people see a decline in collagen and elastin levels as they age, two essential proteins that support connective tissues and increase skin flexibility.

Prior to considering brachioplasty or any other body contouring procedures, patients who have lost a significant amount of weight should try to keep their weight stable for at least six months.

In general, anyone who is committed to leading a healthy lifestyle, is worried about upper arm and/or underarm skin laxness, and wants to tighten up loose skin is likely to be the perfect candidate.


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Arm Lift Techniques

The undersides of the upper arms may droop as a result of significant weight reduction. Arm Lift is the most long-lasting remedy, but it's crucial to pick the right approach.


Patients with loose skin and minimal extra tissue are most suited for the restricted arm lift procedure. Liposuction is frequently used by the expert to eliminate extra fatty tissue before to arm lift surgery. A diamond-shaped incision will then be made in the crease beneath the armpit to eliminate the mild-to-moderate skin laxness. The arm skin is elevated toward the armpit by closing the arm-lift incision and recreating the crease.

Arm Lift Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure 1-3 hours
Anesthesia Local Anesthesia
Healing Period 1-2 weeks
Method of Choice Depending on the Patient
Average Price $1,500

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