Mustache Transplant

The prevalence of thick mustaches and their strong associations with wisdom, masculinity, and maturity play a significant role in the mustache transplant industry. But some men are born with thin or no facial hair.

For the purpose of promoting hair growth in the mustache area and beard formation and permanence, mustache transplant is a very intensive procedure. Therefore, the cost of a mustache transplant solely depends on the quantity of hair follicles that are implanted.

How Is Mustache Transplant Done?

Prior to the transplant, the patient undergoes a thorough examination. The operation then moves into the planning stage. This procedure covers up burns or infections in this area where the patient's mustache is thin or nonexistent. The number of roots to be added is calculated based on the size of the field or additional area.

Since there is currently no medication that can be used to grow a mustache, hair roots that have been cut from the nape are applied to bare spots to create the ideal mustache appearance. During the procedure, the patient doesn't experience any discomfort or pain, and the skin on the shells soon loses its redness.

Using 0.6-0.7 mm piercing needles, hair roots harvested using specialized equipment are implanted in the hairless mustache areas. By receiving a post-plantation that is incredibly comfortable and painless, the patient regains his vitality in his dreams and displays his natural beauty and graceful appearance as he should on his face.


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Causes of Hair Mustache Loss

There are numerous conditions that can result in bald patches on the beard. However, hair loss in the mustache and beard is frequently temporary. Though the hair loss might return over time, the majority of patients will fully recover.

  • A mustache's quality can be affected by a variety of factors, and this can lead to mustaches shedding.
  • To find out the underlying cause of the hair loss in cases of mustache loss, you should first speak with a specialist doctor. It is important to conduct thorough research, particularly into metabolic and hormonal disorders.
  • The following is a list of the primary causes of mustache shedding: Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone deficiency or loss of activity, problems developing due to hormones, facial burns and wounds, various skin conditions, and genetic code disorders.
  • A mustache transplantation procedure, which is the most efficient way to tighten the mustache and give it a healthy, natural appearance, can be done in cases where the shedding is permanent.

Mustache Transplant Techniques

Given how complex and delicate the face area is, not all hair transplantation techniques are appropriate for mustache transplants.


The FUE technique is still used and applied for mustache transplantation despite not being as exact and delicate as the DHI technique due to the procedure's time, cost, and expertise requirements. However, many knowledgeable experts favor and suggest using the more accurate method known as DHI.

The surgeon removes healthy and more resilient hair follicles from the areas of the scalp where they grow when performing a FUE hair transplant. Punch incisions, which are needles made specifically for transplantation, are typically used for FUE. In areas of the beard where hair is falling out or has already fallen out, the collected hair follicle implants into previously opened holes.

Hair Transplant Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure 4-6 hours
Anesthesia Local Anesthesia
Healing Period 8-9 months
Method of Choice FUE

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