Vaser Liposuction

A cosmetic procedure called liposuction removes fat deposits from beneath the skin. Vaser liposuction is a particular kind of liposuction that breaks up fat cells and loosens them from your deeper tissues so that fat can be eliminated during treatment more successfully.

Benefits of Vaser Liposuction?

  • It involves less physical contact. Vaser Lipo can even be carried out under local anesthetic, allowing suitable candidates to undergo the procedure while awake.
  • It has a lower potential for harming nearby muscles and tissue. To break up fat deposits during traditional liposuction, some force must be applied. Vaser Lipo uses ultrasound energy to melt fat, making it easier to remove.
  • The areas of liposuction may become more defined as a result. Without Vaser Lipo, it would be impossible to highlight more defined areas of the body, such as turning the abdomen into a six-pack or giving the arms a more athletic appearance. Areas of the body can be better sculpted by having the ability to draw both vertical and horizontal lines.
  • It has a shorter period of recovery. Although you will still need to rest for a while, recovery from Vaser Lipo is quicker than with other procedures and frequently much less uncomfortable and constricting.


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Surgeries Vaser Liposuction Used With

Vaser Liposuction is a form of liposuction that works on deeper tissues to remove fat more efficiently and is used in a variety of surgical procedures.

Total Body Sculpting

Vaser liposuction is a customizable body sculptor that helps you look and feel your best by removing fat and smoothing the skin's surface. With this minimally invasive liposuction technique, ultrasound waves are used to target specific small or large fat deposits while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed.

Vaser liposuctions will produce the best results through Total Body Sculpting if you have a slim body but want to contour specific areas.

Vaser Liposuction Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure 2-4 hours
Anesthesia Local or General Anesthesia
Healing Period In 2 Weeks to 3 Months
Method of Choice Vaser Liposuction
Average Price $4,000

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