Root Canal Treatment

Root canal therapy is intended to clean out the infected root canal, prevent from reinfection, and preserve the natural tooth. A root canal involves removing the inflamed or infected pulp and carefully cleaning, sanitizing, filling, and sealing the inside of the tooth.

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When Is a Root Canal Treatment Needed?

Sometimes an infected tooth goes unnoticed by the patient. Certain symptoms, though, are noticed by many people. You may need a root canal if any of the following apply:

  • Tooth pain: A variety of dental issues can result in persistent tooth pain. You might require root canal therapy if you experience pain deep inside your tooth. Your jaw, face, or other teeth could experience discomfort as well.
  • Sensitivity to cold and heat: If you experience pain when eating ice cream or drinking hot coffee, you may need a root canal. This is particularly true if the pain lasts for a long time.
  • Swollen gums: Pus can build up around an infected tooth. Gums may become swollen, puffy, or tender as a result.
  • Pimple on the gums: On the gums, you might get a pimple or a boil. Pus from the infected tooth may drain from the pimple, causing an unpleasant taste or smell.
  • Swollen jaw: In some cases, the pus at the wound site doesn't drain. You might notice a noticeable swelling in your jaw as a result.
  • Tooth discoloration: You may notice a change in the color of your tooth if the pulp of the tooth becomes infected. Poor blood flow to the tooth is the cause of this.
  • Pain when pressure is applied: If you experience pain when chewing or touching your tooth, the pulp's surrounding nerves may be damaged.
  • A chipped or cracked tooth: Bacteria can get all the way into the tooth pulp if you've cracked a tooth in an accident, while playing sports, or even just by biting down on something hard.
  • Loose tooth: A tooth with an infection may feel looser. This is because the bone supporting the tooth can become softer due to the pus from the infected pulp.


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Root Canal Treatment Techniques

When a tooth becomes infected, a type of dental treatment called a root canal eliminates the pain and infection. The procedures for root canal therapy are as follows:


The tooth can be saved through numerous surgeries. Apicoectomy or "root-end resection" procedures are the most common endodontic procedures. Apicoectomy is typically advised when, after a root canal procedure, inflammation or infection spread to the bony area at the base of the tooth.

An apicoectomy involves cutting away any infected or inflamed tissue and exposing the bone beneath the gum tissues next to the toot. Additionally, the root's tip is removed using this technique.

In order to seal the root canal's tip, the endodontist might place a small filling. To ensure that the tissue settles perfectly, stitches or sutures can be placed in the gums. As the tooth is repaired, the bone around the root will gradually get better.

Root Canal Treatment Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure 1-2 hours
Anesthesia Generally Anesthesia
Healing Period In 2-4 Weeks
Method of Choice Apicoectomy

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