
A common disorder known as gynecomastia causes enlarged male breast tissue. Males of all ages can exhibit it, but it is most common during puberty, the infant stage, and later life. Gynecomastia can have a variety of causes, but the most prevalent one is a testosterone and estrogen imbalance.

Who might have gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is frequently brought on by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and androgen. The hormone that regulates breast growth, estrogen, is typically only produced in small levels by men's bodies.Your breasts may grow if your body produces too much estrogen or if you have little testosterone (hypogonadism).

Gynecomastia can happen at many times, such as:

Birth: Male newborns have enlarged breasts, or breast buds, in more than half of cases.The mother's estrogen levels are to blame for this condition. Within a few weeks, the enlarged breasts usually go away.

Puberty: More than half of adolescent boys have enlarged breasts to some extent. Breast tissue expands as a result of fluctuating hormone levels, such as drops in testosterone and increases in estrogen. As hormone levels balance out, which can take anywhere between six months and two years, the condition gets better.

Adulthood: Men over 50 are more likely to have enlarged breasts. Men's bodies produce less testosterone as they get older. Additionally, they might have more body fat, which promotes the growth of breast tissue and estrogen production.


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Gynecomastia Techniques

The surgeon may suggest surgery if breast enlargement persists and is bothersome despite initial treatment or observation. There are three gynecomastia surgical options:


A liposuction technique can be used when gynecomastia is caused by an abundance of fat tissue. Small incisions must be made to insert a cannula during liposuction. To remove the extra fat from the body, a vacuum suction is used after the cannula is moved in a controlled manner to loosen it. Your surgeon will choose the liposuction technique that is most suitable for your situation.

Gynecomastia Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure 1-2 hours
Anesthesia Local or General Anesthesia
Healing Period Up to a Month
Method of Choice Liposuction
Average Price $1,700

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