Breast Implant Removal

Breast implant removal is surgery to remove silicone or saline implants. You might undergo the procedure if you decide against getting implants in the future. Alternately, you might decide to have surgery as a result of implant-related issues. People frequently decide to remove implants because the scar tissue has hardened around the implant, resulting in a capsular contracture.

What Are the Reasons For Breast Implant Removal?

There are several reasons women might want to undergo breast explant surgery to remove or replace their current breast implants.

Women may occasionally feel that their implants are either too large or too small. In other cases, they believe that their implant size has changed for personal or other reasons, such as aging. A frequent justification for breast implant removal (explantation) is dissatisfaction with breast size or appearance.

One of the most frequent side effects from breast augmentation is capsular contracture. It happens when too much scar tissue forms in the surgically created "pocket" for the implant, which can harden and squeeze it. Pain, discomfort, swelling, and obvious distortion are the end results. Patient's implants must therefore be either removed or removed and replaced.

When the body reacts poorly to the breast implants, another much less common complication of breast augmentation is infection. The breast implants must be removed as soon as possible to avoid complications caused by infection, which can be excruciatingly painful. Breast revision, if desired, is typically carried out after the breasts have recovered fully from the infection and the procedure to remove the implants.

Sometimes breast implants can cause problems for routine mammography. An MRI or digital mammography are two additional imaging methods that can increase detection. Even if cancer is found, the implant may not always need to be removed.


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Breast Implant Removal Techniques

The type of surgery used to remove breast implants can vary depending on the patient.

Breast Implant Removal Only

Identical incisions will be made as during the breast implant procedure. To expedite the healing process if you have capsular contracture, the plastic surgeon should cut the damaged capsules.

Breast Implant Removal Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure 1-3 hours
Anesthesia Local or General Anesthesia
Healing Period 2 Weeks to 1 Month
Method of Choice Pain- Free Natural Breast Appearance

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