Arm Liposuction

Liposuction for the arms involves removing extra fat while regaining a symmetrical contour. This cosmetic surgery is designed for both men and women who have localized arm extra fat.

The drastic and long-lasting elimination of small, localized fat deposits is possible with liposuction. Turkey is the perfect location to arrange for an arms liposuction due to the high quality of the procedures, first-rate services, and very competitive pricing. Get the greatest services at the best rates with Body Expert.

Causes for Arm Liposuction?

A number of factors, including aging, weight increase or decrease, can cause the arm to lose its tight shape over time.

Moreover, losing arm fat with exercise or nutrition is difficult. Over time, the arm begins to sag and is unable to restore its appearance on its own. The most effective method to eliminate these fats is liposuction.

Self-Esteem: Liposuction is an effective surgery for helping patients shape their bodies into the image of themselves that they want for themselves. It is not used to remove fat.

Proportionate Appearance: Liposuction of the arms can assist patients acquire the right, thin proportions that match their bodies.

Skin elasticity should be taken into account by patients before getting liposuction. The ideal candidates for effective liposuction are those with elastic skin.


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Arm Liposuction Techniques

Minor to major operations can be performed during arm liposuction surgery. The amount of fat that will be removed will determine that.


High-frequency sound waves that have a lot of energy are used in ultrasound. When sound waves are concentrated on fat tissues, dissolving fat cells is facilitated.

The majority of the time, areas with more rigid fat are treated with liposuction with ultrasound assistance. Another benefit of UAL is that because the fat is liquified and less prone to bleed or bruise, a larger volume can be safely removed.

Arm Liposuction Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure 1-2 hours
Anesthesia Local or General Anesthesia
Healing Period Up to 2 weeks
Method of Choice UAL (Vaser Liposuction)

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