Dental Implants

Dental implant surgery involves replacing tooth roots with metal, screw-like posts and missing or damaged teeth with artificial teeth that closely resemble real teeth in appearance and function.

When natural tooth roots are lacking and it is not possible to construct denture or bridgework tooth replacements, dental implant surgery can provide a welcome alternative.

Why You Should Choose Dental Implants?

Dental implants are made to mimic your natural teeth in terms of appearance, feel, and performance. Additionally, implants give patients the self-assurance to smile, eat, and interact with others without being self-conscious or concerned that their dentures will fall out.

Implants simply require the same care as the rest of the teeth. Thus, patients will not have to go out of their way or drastically change a nightly routine.

Dental implants with proper planning and maintenance typically have "survival rates" that are on par with or better than those of other tooth replacement options. Furthermore, as implant technology and procedures advance, so too should their success rate. Implant success is most likely for those who are in good health.

Implant wearers can freely enjoy eating any foods that they want to eat. Dental implants act like regular teeth and do not require complex restrictions on one's daily diet, as long as one keeps up proper dental hygiene.

By preventing the need to grind down nearby teeth for conventional bridgework, dental implants preserve natural tooth tissue. Additionally, they will prevent bone loss and greatly lessen the deterioration and resorption of bone that cause the loss of jawbone height.


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Dental Implant Materials

Here are the most popular and used materials for dental implants.


Titanium is the most popular and tissue-friendly metal. Doctors prefer titanium because it is secure, durable, and produces results that work well and last a long time.

Dental Implant Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure Vary on Operation to Operation
Anesthesia Local, General, of IV Anesthesia
Healing Period 4-6 months
Method of Choice Implants
Average Price $500

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