Breast Reduction

Breast reduction, also referred to as reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure to remove excess breast skin, glandular tissue, and fat in order to achieve breasts that are more in proportion to your body and to relieve the discomfort that comes with having breasts that are too large. (macromastia).

Why You Should Consider Breast Reduction?

Women who are dissatisfied with the size, weight, or droop of their breasts can benefit from breast reduction surgery by having them smaller and more lifted.

If you're hurting physically, it's likely that your heavier breasts are pulling your upper body forward and putting stress on your neck, shoulder, and back muscles. Constant pain doesn't pose a life-threatening threat, but it significantly lowers your quality of life and keeps you from engaging in some physical activities.

Being at ease with your appearance is crucial to your happiness if you suffer from low self-esteem or emotional distress. Your perception of yourself may be influenced by how your breasts look. Unwanted attention and presumptions made by people who are judging a woman's breast size can be hurtful and damaging for many women with large breasts.

Participating in some physical activities may be difficult due to large breasts. For some females who are dealing with larger breasts, this might result in a less active lifestyle. A reduction can be beneficial because it gives you the freedom to engage in any leisure activity.

If you are unable to locate clothing that fits properly: Breasts that are too big or disproportionately sized can make it difficult to buy off the rack. Large breasted women are frequently forced to choose custom-fitted bras, which are significantly more expensive and more difficult to find.


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Breast Reduction Techniques

The surgeon may select a procedure based on the shape and size of the breasts, the amount of tissue they intend to remove, and your aesthetic preferences.


A thin tube called a cannula connected to a vacuum will be inserted by the surgeon through tiny incisions in your skin to remove fluid and fat from your breast. This method works best for people whose skin will heal quickly and for small reductions.

Breast Reduction Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure 1-5 hours
Anesthesia General Anesthesia
Healing Period 2 Weeks to 1 Month
Method of Choice Liposuction
Average Price $2,000

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