
Otoplasty (cosmetic ear surgery, ear pinning) is used to treat a variety of abnormal ear conditions, such as protruding, excessively large, or misshapen ears. Traumatized ears can also be repaired with this surgery. Otoplasty offers a long-lasting solution that can make your ears look better and increase your self-confidence.

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Why You Should Consider Otoplasty?

Some people choose to have otoplasty to correct a structural abnormality. Others have it because their ears protrude too far from their head and don’t like it.

Over 5% of people suffer from prominent ears. The reason for the protruding ears may be one of several formal disorders.

The ear is more likely to be prominent if the outer ear cartilage is significantly larger than usual.

The cartilage ridge at the top of the ear does not fold precisely when the cartilage is underdeveloped, which brings us to our second point. One of the obvious ear characteristics is that the outer edge protrudes outward. Additionally, an injury might be the cause of prominent ears.


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Otoplasty Techniques

Patients who want to correct their protruding ears have two options.

Traditional Otoplasty

As needed, traditional otoplasty is much more invasive and complex. In order to access and manipulate the cartilage and reshape and realign the ears, the surgeon makes incisions at the back of the ears. The doctor could employ;

Ear augmentation if the patient's ears are still growing. Ear pinning for people whose ears protrude noticeably from the sides of their heads. Ear reduction to make the patient's ears smaller.

Otoplasty Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure 1-2 hours
Anesthesia Local Anesthesia
Healing Period Up to 1 Week
Method of Choice Traditional Otoplasty

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