
The J-Plasma, also referred to as J-Plasty and Renuvion, is a minimally invasive procedure that tightens, lifts, and rejuvenates the lower face, neck, arms, and trunk by using cold plasma energy beneath the skin.

It produces natural-looking results with little recovery time and avoids the scars and potential complications of a facelift.

Benefits of J-Plasma

Although many people believe that hair loss and baldness only affect men, the reality is quite different. In fact, statistics show that one in four people experience hair loss at some point in their lives, regardless of gender.

Numerous methods have been developed to address hair loss, but when it comes to finding a highly effective and satisfactory solution, hair transplant stands out as the best option.

If you're experiencing hair loss, it's best to consult a professional hair transplantation expert who can assess the type, extent, and potential causes of your hair loss. Based on their evaluation, the expert will determine whether a hair transplant operation is necessary and recommend the most suitable method for your unique situation. Generally, hair transplant procedures can be performed on individuals who are over the age of twenties.


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J-Plasma Techniques

The skin on the thighs, abdomen, knees, and other areas can be tightened using this innovative procedure in conjunction with liposuction.

Tummy Tuck

The subdermal skin and connective tissue contract immediately after a mini tummy tuck using the J-Plasma, Renuvion skin-tightening technology, and they continue to shrink for six to nine months. The procedure also boosts collagen production, which restores elasticity and makes your skin look younger.

J-Plasma Process

The procedure typically varies from person to person, here are the most common values;

Length of procedure 1-3 hours
Anesthesia Local or General Anesthesia
Healing Period 1 to 2 Weeks
Method of Choice J-Plasma

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